Details of
by Mick Byrd

Engineer: Pete Szkolka
Recorder At: PS Studios
Mastered By: Steven Gardner

About the Album

Americana Roots, Blues, Rock, Country and Folk tunes with warm vocals, outstanding musicianship and songwriting that
paints a picture. Single Speed Glass Mastered!  No one has captured Mick Byrd, or his music, quite like Karen E. Reynolds has done with her review of “Around.” - “Never think of Mick Byrd as limited. A true lyricist and storyteller, Byrd has always written a good song and has found a home, quite nicely, in the Americana genre'.  But his newest release, 'Around', really shows how diversified he is as a writer, artist and vocalist."... "This artist delves into the very guts of what constitutes a well-written song and delivers, every time. He's what true fans of independent, original music, covet and collect."