The Roots Music Report's
Top 50 Fusion Album Chart
for the Week of Sep 7, 2024
TW | LW | Album Title | Band/Artist Name | Label | |
- | 1 | 1 | Twentyfour | Al Di Meola | Ear Music |
- | 2 | 2 | Moonshine | Marc Ciprut | White Label |
- | 3 | 3 | Beyond the Warrior's Eyes | Brian Tarquin | BHP Music-Guitar Trax |
- | 4 | 4 | Tomorrow (There is a Way) | Eberhard Klunker | Seven Us Media |
- | 5 | 5 | Up from the Outside | Steve Langemo | Guitar One |
- | 6 | 6 | Convertible | Kingsley Durant | Zen Diagram |
- | 7 | 7 | Lost in Centralia | Project Alcazar | Guitar One |
- | 8 | 8 | Rise | Lawson Rollins | Infinita |
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