Henhouse Prowlers
Illinois - United States

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Lead and Iron

Label: Dark Shadow

Genres: Bluegrass, Unknown

Styles: Contemporary Bluegrass, Unknown

Songs on the Album

Track # Song Title Style Genre
1 Home for Contemporary Bluegrass Bluegrass
2 Lead and Iron Contemporary Bluegrass Bluegrass
3 My Last Run Contemporary Bluegrass Bluegrass
4 Wobbly Dog Contemporary Bluegrass Bluegrass
5 Subscription to Loneliness Contemporary Bluegrass Bluegrass
6 Passenger Train Boogie Contemporary Bluegrass Bluegrass
7 Forgotten Gravestones Contemporary Bluegrass Bluegrass
8 Rolling Wheels Contemporary Bluegrass Bluegrass
9 Died Before Their Time Contemporary Bluegrass Bluegrass
10 The Show Contemporary Bluegrass Bluegrass
11 My Little Flower Contemporary Bluegrass Bluegrass