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 Top 50 Jazz Song Chart for the Week of Feb 1, 2025 | Roots Music Report

The Roots Music Report's
Top 50 Jazz Song Chart
for the Week of Feb 1, 2025

TW LW Song Title Band/Artist Name Sub Genre
-11Showman DanMadeleine PeyrouxSwing
*NEW*2-Try ThisBill MoioSmooth Jazz
*NEW*3-ShadowsSam Riney, Barry Coates and Jerry KalafAvant-Garde Jazz
47RunningNorah JonesCrossover Jazz
5-SnowboundRebecca KilgoreMainstream Jazz
6-SankalpaTineke PostmaModern Jazz
7-Eu Sei Que Vou Te AmarMaria Puga LareoLatin Jazz
*NEW*8-Doldrums Last DancePaul Hanson and Raze the MazeFusion
9-In CommonThe Sure Fire Soul EnsembleContemporary Jazz
10-TadafuqDharma DownModern Jazz
*NEW*11-The Stray Moonduck (feat. Sharel Cassity & Jason Hainsworth)Michael DeaseBig Band
12-Dusk (feat. Sarah Marie Young, Sharon Irving & ATLYS)Andrew VogtCrossover Jazz
*NEW*13-Bésame Mucho (feat. Shango Dely)Daniel PardoLatin Jazz
*NEW*14-Footprints (Live) [feat. Oscar Stagnaro, Maxim Lubarsky, Ernesto Diaz & Steve Langone]Dan MorettiLatin Jazz
*NEW*15-SamadhiJoe ElefanteMainstream Jazz
*NEW*16-Trams (feat. Troy Roberts, Alex Ridout, Hamish Smith & Marcello Cardillo)Jackson PotterMainstream Jazz
17-PhosphenesRandy HoexterModern Jazz
186It's Time to Put the Dog to BedStan HarrisonModern Jazz
*NEW*19-Shearing (feat. Doug Walter, Tom Ranier, Trey Henry & ATLYS)Jerry KalafModern Jazz
-2020Talk to Your DaughterRobben FordJazz
-2121Help the PoorRobben FordJazz
-2222Born Under a Bad SignRobben FordJazz
-2323ChynnaMichael LandauJazz
-2424Johnny SwingMichael LandauJazz
-2525Roodis TonesMichael LandauJazz
-2626UptopAdam HawleyContemporary Jazz
-2727AnythingNorman BrownContemporary Jazz
-2828Sunlight Bossa NovaLawson RollinsSmooth Jazz
*NEW*29-Theme from ShaftDave StrykerContemporary Jazz
3031FunkafarianTroy RobertsContemporary Jazz
3132Autumn NocturneSamara JoyContemporary Jazz
32-Plain SongJohn ScofieldJazz
-3333Careless WhisperDelvon Lamarr Organ TrioContemporary Jazz

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