Mo Moshiri
Ontario - Canada

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Can I Tell You Something?


Genres: R&B

Styles: R&B

Songs on the Album

Track # Song Title Style Genre
1 Here R&B R&B
2 Testify R&B R&B
3 Who We Are (feat. Obe G) R&B R&B
4 On My Way (feat. D.O.) R&B R&B
5 Simple Song R&B R&B
6 Wake Up (feat. the Brooklyn EL 5's) R&B R&B
7 Tomorrow Brings (feat. Obe G) R&B R&B
8 Earthbound R&B R&B
9 Come Again R&B R&B
10 No Philosophy R&B R&B
11 The Giant R&B R&B